I'm just a man seeking God's face...

Saturday, February 14, 2009


I'm at DYC (District Youth Conference) for Sr. High'ers. This is an event with about 800 teens from around the northwest. It's a great event with so much going on. I will do my best to report on how the weekend is going.

So far we have had great worship with Logan Martin and his band and have been challenged by a good speaker, Paul Gunther Jr.. He made a very strong statement tonight that did challenged us, "I don't want to be a christian anymore...I want to be a Christ follower, TODAY!"

We can get into the mechanics of Christianity...meaning go to church, go to a mid-week group, read my Bible and we can still miss what Jesus was all about. Going through the motions is what many of us do in our christian walk, but to follow Jesus daily would and could radically change the world.

Let's stop going through the motions and live for Christ TODAY!

Pastor Scott

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