I'm just a man seeking God's face...

Friday, August 31, 2007

Actions speak louder than words, well, maybe...

The 2007-2008 school year is about to begin. I understand that this is not welcoming information for some, but it is the truth. A new school year also means new opportunities to serve God. For some serving God is a tough concept. I know that I was nervous about speaking to others about Jesus. It has always been easier to serve Him through my actions, and as they say, "Actions speak louder than words." But I began to challenge myself to share my faith verbally. As we stand on the verge of a new school year I want you not to evangelize your whole school. That's right, don't evangelize your whole shcool. I want you to think of two friends that don't know Jesus. Now I want you to pray three things:

1) Pray opportunities to share your faith
2) Pray for confidence to share your faith at those opportunities
3) Pray for the Holy Spirit to do the rest

Sharing our faith does not have to be this huge ordeal. Jesus lived his life and shared his faith when opportunities arose. It truly isn't that complicated. It is our own insecurities that make it bigger than it really is.

Maybe you don't have any insecurities about sharing your faith, maybe you have questions about your own faith. If that is the case then you need to surround yourself with others that might have some answers. Our faith journey was never meant to be done alone!

Maybe you don't have any questions about your faith, but you feel you won't be able to answer all your friends questions. Guess what, this side of heaven we'll never have all the answers.

Alright, are you thinking of two friends you can share your faith with. Keep thinking and take those two names to God in prayer.

See you all soon.

Pastor Scott

Monday, August 27, 2007

Let the Blogging begin!!!

Well, the time is finally here. Let the Blogs begin!

So, what's the big deal about blogging? This is a way to share thoughts, ideas and whatever else comes to mind. It will also be a spot to inform students, parents and the community about what is happening in the youth ministries at Dallas Alliance Church here in Dallas, Oregon.

I hope you enjoy the rants and raves of a youth pastor who doesn't have all the answers, but does know the Creator of the universe who does have the answers. I love to be asked the tough questions and try not to hide behind any pat answers. I will do my best to honor my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and what he did on the cross for all of us.

In Christ,

Pastor Scott