I'm just a man seeking God's face...

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

After Thoughts...Integrity

I was really pleased with youth group went last night. There were some unexpected people that came and to be honest, I love that. So the big question, how do you teach about living an integrity filled life to a generation that fudges everything? Integrity is a tough one, but so very vital to living a life worth living.

Some of the students shared about how doing the right thing are not accepted. I know this to be true, but it leaves me floored every time I’m confronted with it. When was doing the right thing the wrong thing. Well, too be honest it’s not just the teens of this generation that struggle with that. If you’re an adult reading this do you remember being a teen, you never wanted to come across as a goodie-two-shoes and integrity would take a back seat.

I am convinced that unless you are one very sick individual you know what the right thing to do is. That doesn’t mean we always act on that knowledge, but more often than not we know what the right thing to do is. Keep that thought for just a moment.

Some of the students also voiced that they try not to care what others think of them. If this is true and we do, deep down, know what is right then why don’t we step out and try something different and do the right thing? The answer is easy; it’s because of sin, yes that icky topic. Sin does keep us from being the person God created us to be, but that doesn’t mean we have to let it win all the time.

How’s is life working for you? (Sorry, bad take off from Dr. Phil) Government official, pastors, teachers, lawyers, doctors, you name it; have failed at modeling integrity to us and the younger generations. If life isn’t working so great for you then stand with me and do something different. Live a life that stands for integrity.

Proverbs 13:6 says, “A God-loyal life keeps you on track; sin dumps the wicked in the ditch.” This is basically saying, “Live a life of godly integrity and you will stay on track, but for sin it will only through you to the wayside.” Let’s get out of the ditch and run on the track.

Pastor Scott

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