I'm just a man seeking God's face...

Monday, May 19, 2008

Why My Wife and I Aren't Following Paul's Teachings...

Yes, there are some things in the Bible that I just can't follow, well at least under certain circumstances. This past weekend was a perfect example. Right now, Kim and I can't follow The apostle Paul's teaching of greeting each other with a holy kiss. My wife and I are on 24 hour guarantine from kissing each other. It all started while celebrating Caleb's birthday (he is a sophomore at our church). He had a Indiana Jones/Adventurers Club theme. It was a very elaborate birthday celebration and very fun for all involved. Some of the party favors were things like chocolate covered insects or suckers with insects. I saw a box of the chocolate covered larva and crickets. Me being me was curious how they would taste so I opened up the box and took down a cricket. It really tasted only like chocolate, which is what I figured it would be like. I did feed my three year old son the other cricket which got quite a rise out of my wife. That is when I was put into quarantine. No kissing for me until the cricket residue was gone.

Kim and I were having a good laugh about the whole thing, but I was still in quarantine. Well low and behold about the time I am okay, bam Kim gets hit, and I mean really hit. We had taken the family to see their first Circus in Salem. It was a lot of fun and the kids loved it. On the way out Kim was walking ahead leaving the bleacher area. A man walking above her tried his best to cover his mouth, but let out a huge sneeze. I thought to myself, since I had a great view of the whole event, I bet that just hit Kim. At first she didn't respond, but then I saw her try to wipe her check off on her shoulder (both her hands were full). The lady walking beside her let out this, "Oh, gross!" and I began to laugh very hard. Matter of fact we all laughed very hard. But that's when I laid down the law, "You are now in quarantine!"

If I believed in Karma, that would have been the perfect example. Kim, I love you. Thank you for being my bestfriend. I am so thankful we can make each other laugh, cry and go crazy. You are a great partner in crime. I love you. And by the way, your still quarantined!

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