I'm just a man seeking God's face...

Monday, May 19, 2008

Why My Wife and I Aren't Following Paul's Teachings...

Yes, there are some things in the Bible that I just can't follow, well at least under certain circumstances. This past weekend was a perfect example. Right now, Kim and I can't follow The apostle Paul's teaching of greeting each other with a holy kiss. My wife and I are on 24 hour guarantine from kissing each other. It all started while celebrating Caleb's birthday (he is a sophomore at our church). He had a Indiana Jones/Adventurers Club theme. It was a very elaborate birthday celebration and very fun for all involved. Some of the party favors were things like chocolate covered insects or suckers with insects. I saw a box of the chocolate covered larva and crickets. Me being me was curious how they would taste so I opened up the box and took down a cricket. It really tasted only like chocolate, which is what I figured it would be like. I did feed my three year old son the other cricket which got quite a rise out of my wife. That is when I was put into quarantine. No kissing for me until the cricket residue was gone.

Kim and I were having a good laugh about the whole thing, but I was still in quarantine. Well low and behold about the time I am okay, bam Kim gets hit, and I mean really hit. We had taken the family to see their first Circus in Salem. It was a lot of fun and the kids loved it. On the way out Kim was walking ahead leaving the bleacher area. A man walking above her tried his best to cover his mouth, but let out a huge sneeze. I thought to myself, since I had a great view of the whole event, I bet that just hit Kim. At first she didn't respond, but then I saw her try to wipe her check off on her shoulder (both her hands were full). The lady walking beside her let out this, "Oh, gross!" and I began to laugh very hard. Matter of fact we all laughed very hard. But that's when I laid down the law, "You are now in quarantine!"

If I believed in Karma, that would have been the perfect example. Kim, I love you. Thank you for being my bestfriend. I am so thankful we can make each other laugh, cry and go crazy. You are a great partner in crime. I love you. And by the way, your still quarantined!

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Sping is finally here...

Yeah, baby. Spring is finally here (but since I am writing this I am sure God will make it snow). I was hangin' with my buddy Austin Powers the other day and we got to thinking, does every person have an arch enemy?

What would Batman be without the Joker, Superman without Lex Luther, or Austin Powers without Dr. Evil? Many times it is our adversaries who make us stronger and wiser. Funny how life works that way.

Our Christian walk is not much different. No we don’t have the ability to fly or cool gadgets to help us repel a huge building, but we do have the Holy Spirit and we do have an adversary. I have been around people far too long to see the many ups and downs life throws at all of us. Satan is powerful and many times he feels as though he wins all the time, but most of the time we don’t recognize the victories.

Our enemy will win sometimes and at times will seem to have defeated us, but fear not, just when it seems the darkest, the power of the Holy Spirit rises inside of us and God’s glory triumphs.

Anyways, that’s what Austin and I were throwing around. Never give up, keep up the fight.

To God be the glory,
Pastor Scott