This was a question recently given during Sunday school. Actually, there were a bunch of questions that would be good for blogging. This one though stood out to me because so many things spin off of our struggle with freedom.
I think many people see Christianity as a bunch of do's and don't's. This is true of about everything in life. At school "do" turn in your homework, "don't" cheat. At home "do" clean up your room, "don't" put a fork in the garbage disposal. In many ways Christianity is no different, "do" love one another, "don't" keep on sinning.
Matter of fact, the Bible is very clear about "the freedom we have in Christ Jesus, " (Galatians 2:4). But God gave us freedom from the very beginning. In the garden of Eden God tells Adam that he can eat from ANY of the trees, except from the ONE tree of knowledge of good and evil. That is a lot of "do's" and only one "don't". God is the creator of freedom, but freedom comes with a cost (just ask any person who was in the military during WWII).
What cost was given for this freedom? The cost of freedom is free will. By God creating freedom, he also created free will. He knew that by giving us free will we might choose not to take Him up on His freedom. And unfortunately that freedom didn't last long. Adam & Eve feel into the temptation and our true freedom was lost.
But, God loves us so much (which is still beyond me why) that He didn't leave us to our own demise. He sent His son Jesus to give us the power of His freedom back. Jesus death paid so that we might have a chance at God's freedom. Jesus' resurrection slammed to door shut on the possibility of that freedom being stolen back by Satan.
Freedom in Christ Jesus is a wonderful thing. I can't fully understand what all it entails, but I do know that His freedom is far better than Satan's dungeon (which he has tried to convince us is a golden palace).
Freedom is definitely given by God, but like many things man has twisted it into something far from its original form.
A few random thoughts and cool events from the mind of Pastor Scott Totten
Friday, November 30, 2007
Thursday, November 8, 2007
Quest 07 Jr. High Retreat...
Well, we survived the first retreat of the school year. It surely wasn't without its up's and down's, but we did have a good time. My prayer has always been that each person would learn just a bit more about God and how He relates to their lives. Enjoy looking at all the fun things we did and my God continue to enter your lives.
Thursday, November 1, 2007
The Great Pumpkin Bash!
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